Sunday, December 7, 2014

Education is Politics

I am not into politics in the least bit but I agree with Shor. We have demonstrated it in our classroom this whole semester that education is politics. She talks about how the curriculum engages students and makes them start questioning and forming points of views and arguments. That is exactly what has happened this semester. We read the readings and then when we gather in class to discuss it all of our different points of views and everything we say to each other backs up Shor one hundred percent. This article showed a great relationship between education and politics. Even I, who knows barely anything important about politics can see that. This article begins to share what schools should be doing and what teachers should be doing in their classroom to makes things successful. I think this was a great final article for us to read. Our semester has been brought full circle. Also, after reading Wesley's blog I agree with him and really liked what he called PAPSMDDDRIA

• Participatory
• Affective
• Problem-posing
• Situated
• Multicultural
• Dialogic
• Desocializing
• Democratic
• Researching
• Interdisciplinary
• Activist 

Participation in classrooms is seriously so important because it gets everyone talking, thinking and when thinking back on my classroom experiences the ones I remember the most are the ones when I got involved in discussion.

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