Two of my uncles work with people who have special needs. I honestly never saw myself doing such a thing, it's not that I wouldn't want to or that i'm judgmental because that isn't the case at all but working with people of special needs takes a certain amount of skill and patience I didn't think I had until about last week. I'm a waitress and I had a couple sit at one of my tables from a far they looked completely normally but when I went up to the table the male was down syndrome, deaf and mute and the women had a speech problem and couldn't form full sentences but she understood everything I could say and shared it with the man through sign language. When I introduced myself to them I was taken back when I learned he couldn't speak and she could barely speak and was genuinely nervous I wouldn't be able to take their order or wouldn't understand them. When I went back over to the table they had written out on their place mats what they would like to eat and drink and made a special little picture asking if we had pumpkin pie. They ended up being one of the sweetest couples I have ever waited on and they made me rethink a career helping out people with special needs. This article was eye opening.
absolutely adorable and talented girl ^^^
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